Home Automation is Front and Centre at IFSEC

IFSEC International, the leading fire and security exhibition, opens its doors this week at London’s Excel, with home automation as a central theme on the show floor.

This year, in partnership with the Electrical Contractors’ Association and The Fire and Security Association, the show (21 June to 23 June) will have a Smart Theatre dedicated to companies who design, install, commission, maintain, and monitor electronic fire, emergency and security systems.

“This year with the introduction of the Smart Theatre, a trend that is gaining traction within the wider electro-technical industry, the ECA/FSA are primarily positioned in delivering clear practical advice to fire and security firms with embracing these opportunities,” Steve Martin, Head of FSA, told HiddenWires. “As smart technology takes hold it presents an opportunity for all sectors whether you’re an electrician, fire or security installer.”

Martin will be presenting in several seminar at IFSEC, including  “Growing your Fire and Security Business (Installer Theatre)”, where he will explore opportunities for the sector within smart technologies that may add real value to their client; -“Smart Business – Growing an additional customer stream (Smart Theatre)”, which looks at technology trends in the smart space where diversification would be ideal and why; the “Panel Debate: Home Automation”, where Martin will facilitate a debate regarding the home automation market now, the future and what it means to the traditional security systems firms; and  “Electrical Safety – The hidden perils” where Martin will discuss interfacing with 230v and how ECA members can fulfil their obligations under current standards and regulations.

“The growing appetite for connected systems integrating light, sound, video and security systems has the potential to require a new multi-skilled technicians familiar with a number of disciplines,” Martin said. “With our current skill sets we are all primary placed to up skill and offer more to our clients.”


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