First interoperable devices, based on security standard AES128 and KNX Secure Standard, now available
Security is a growing concern for smart homes and buildings, which have been addressed by whole industry. During the last years, some ground-breaking developments have taken place, including the approval of KNX Secure as European Standard according to EN 50090-4-3. The highlight and what has been highly anticipated by the whole industry was the presentation of the first KNX Secure devices.
The devices were presented nowhere other than the world leading fair “Light + Building 2018 in Frankfurt”. With double encryption and the highest security standards AES128, security in smart homes and smart buildings can now be ensured.
Real solutions with real KNX Secure devices
Despite many solutions, which make smart home and smart building installations impenetrable, KNX ushered a new era of security in home and building control. Existing security features benefit now from the strongest encryption functionalities in the market, in short: KNX Secure (for more information about KNX Secure, please click here)! A selection of real KNX Secure projects was presented at the KNX IoT city, which did not only raise the interest, but underlined that smart homes and smart buildings are a safe and sound investment in the future. Each project highlighted the various advantages and showed that security is available for everybody. But discover yourself…
“Give hackers no chances in Hotels”
Next to conventional security methods, such as locking of devices in a distribution board and using binary inputs to prevent direct bus access, this installation highlights, that implementing KNX Secure can be simple and cost-effective. By adding two KNX Secure devices (KNX IP Secure Router as well as a KNX Data Secure Line Coupler), the installation was protected from unauthorised access. Further highlight of this installation was the combination of KNX Secure devices with traditional KNX devices.
Two KNX Secure devices enable a simple and cost effective retrofitting for increased security
“Data protection of digital energy transition”
Batteries find more and more their way in houses for smart energy management. Due to the extension of functions in the house, crucial information, such as visualisation, information about consumption data and access to energy storage, become a more lucrative target for hackers. However, the access to this data remains unreachable for hackers, as thanks to a single KNX IP Secure Router. Being completely isolated from the installation, hackers have no possibility to enter the battery and extract data. Entering from another line is not possible furthermore, as the additional line is protected with KNX Data Secure and the backbone of the installation is secured by means of KNX IP Secure.
Benefits: Secured integration of energy storage, crucial functions are protected, Secure and Non-Secure functions have been combined.
“Secure networks of distributed facilities”
Distributed facilities are not new to the world of KNX, security and encryption however have reached new levels. Whereas security mechanisms were often based on propriety or manufacturer specific solutions, thanks to KNX Secure the interoperability amongst KNX Secure devices is given. This means that no matter which device is used, the communication between those two devices (in this case KNX IP Secure communication) stays secure!
Whereas Building 1 is using the KNX IP Secure device from manufacturer A, building two is using the device by manufacturer B – KNX stays interoperable also with KNX Secure functionality.
KNX Secure – Now available for everybody
The first devices have been already published and more are about to come. Not only did the world of smart homes and buildings make one of the biggest evolutions after a long while, thanks to KNX Secure the world of smart homes and buildings became a lot more secure and accessible to everyone.
Caption: Selection of devices, which have been presented at Light + Building 2018.
For more information about KNX Secure, please visit the KNX Secure Website.