CEDIA Board nominations deadline this week

CEDIA members haven’t got long before the deadline of nominations for the CEDIA Board of Directors, which is this Friday 5 August.

Three open board seats will be available for the 2023-2025 terms.

Employees of CEDIA member integrator companies may be nominated, will be vetted by the Governance Committee and proposed as candidates for the global membership vote. Employees of other member companies may be nominated, vetted, and selected for appointed seats by the board.

The organisation is encouraging people to nominate someone who personifies the very best characteristics of the industry and someone they would like to see serve as a guiding force for CEDIA and the industry globally.

Nominations are being accepted until 5 August 2022. Voting will open from 9 September until 21 October. All member types, from integrators to manufacturers to service providers or any others are invited to nominate and vote.

To nominate someone, click here.

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