Recognising changing consumer habits due to the Covid-19 pandemic, HiddenWires is introducing a multimedia resource that will focus on a different area of home AV and automation each month.
The pandemic has led to many changing trends that are seeing people want to stay in more and bring experiences into their homes.
Kicking off in September, we will have a dedicated area around home cinema to give custom installers and system integrators a detailed guide on how to bring a high-end cinema experience to the home.
Various sub-topics will be explored and presented through news, information, interviews with industry experts, insight and analysis from across EMEA. We will also send out a dedicated newsletter towards the end of each month with a round up of the top content pieces from the subject focus.
Home cinema can be sectioned into four areas: the display, the sound, the source components, and the overall design of the system and room. Some of the sub-topics that we will look at throughout September’s home cinema focus include:
• Cinema formats
• Design challenges
• Resolutions
• Projector vs. LED displays
• Selling a cinema
• Technology vs. design
Following our home cinema focus in September, we will be looking at assisted living in October, the home office in November, and home leisure and entertainment in December.
Various sponsorship opportunities are also available for each monthly focus and you can contact
Simon Nana for more information on these.
You can
register here for access to this exclusive content.