KNX Association International has announced that applications can now be handed in for the KNX Awards 2016.
KNX Association International has announced that applications can now be handed in for the KNX Awards 2016, which will be granted at the light+building fair 2016 (on the 15th of March) in Frankfurt (Germany).
The KNX Award rewards the smartest KNX projects in home and building control around the world, which stand out as regards innovation and technical progress. Applications are welcome from around the world in five categories: International, Publicity, Energy Efficiency, Young and Special. Deadline for submissions is 20 November 2015.
The KNX Awards 2016 picks up on the basic principle of the craft industry. Determining factors for KNX Association to increase the chances of one’s application are not size and volume of the KNX installation, but rather
- The diversity of the included trades
- The flexibility and expandability
- The level of automatization and complexity of the installation
- The user friendliness and user acceptance
- The convincing arguments for the client
- The implementation of products from different manufacturers
The prize money in each category of the KNX Awards amounts to €1000. Winners in each category will also receive the coveted KNX trophy. The jury consists of neutral experts from the KNX world and KNX Association. If necessary, KNX Association and the jury may request additional information from the participants to evaluate the projects. The awards will be granted in 5 categories: International, Publicity, Energy Efficiency, Young, and Special.
Timeline - The deadline to submit a complete set of application documents is 20 November 2015.
The jury will evaluate the submitted material in December 2015.
The five top nominees in each category will be informed by email after the end of the jury’s meeting.
The KNX Awards 2016 are granted at the light+building fair in Frankfurt (on the 15th of March 2016).