The biggest question at EI Live was how can a brand stand out from the crowd?
Innovation, and the launch of new products are key to smart home products but what manufacturers and distributers were focusing on at EI Live is their place in the market, what is unique to them that others do not offer. Brand awareness is key not just to market success but to a strong working relationship with integrators. Where can a differentiation be made is key question both manufacturers and distributers need to ask themselves.
Hisense believes it has an advantage in the laser market, perceiving its future in home cinema in laser TVs. Hisense believes it has an advantage over its competitors in the style and quality of its projection. Hisense Laser TV utilises a thin screen that hangs to display 4K Ultra HD resolution. The ultra-short throw console can project the image from 20.8cm from the wall, without the need for a specially darkened room. The main advantage for the laser TVs is in the aesthetic, the laser projector can be easily stored in a cabinet when not in use, giving the end user their wall back.
There was a new British release as OneAV and GivEnergy joined forces to deliver unique battery storage technology to the custom install sector. The GivEnergy battery serves as an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for the entire home, ensuring uninterrupted operation even during outages and can be installed without a solar PV installation. Integration is possible with Crestron Home, it's available now from Ultamation.
What does the purchase of Aquavison by Pulse-Eight mean for Pulse-Eight?
Firstly, it shows its commitment to British brands and manufacturing. It also shows that continuation of Pulse-Eight’s buying strategy to keep adding products it does not have, Pulse Eight is purchasing to extend its range and offer integrators a wider range of products that fall under the Pulse-Eight umbrella. It has matrixes from its ProAudio range, loudspeakers from Gallo Acoustics and now waterproof speakers. The Aquavision range includes screen sizes up to 100-in and offers compatibility with integration systems including Control4, Crestron, AMX, Savant and RTI. This allows Pulse-Eight to offer the different range of speakers all within one brand.
HiddenWires has covered the releases and information for EI Live extensively on the website.