The latest HiddenWires smart home survey results are in, and the results demonstrate a robust and optimistic sector with huge potential for growth.
In an ever-evolving landscape of technological advancements, the smart home industry has become a focal point for innovation with huge gains for homeowners in the form of automation, energy saving, security and comfort within residences across the world.
To gain insights into the trends and changes within the dynamic smart home sector HiddenWires conducted comprehensive surveys in both 2021 and 2023. Our latest survey drew responses from 4,972 individuals allowing us to accurately measure demographic shifts and the evolution of preferences within the smart home domain.
Who did we talk to?
The demographic distribution of survey respondents remained relatively stable between 2021 and 2023. Among the participants of the 2023 survey 70% identified as integrators or installers which is in line with the HiddenWires readership of skilled technology professionals. Designers, specifiers, manufacturers, architects, distributors, and interior designers constituted the remaining percentages, forming a diverse ecosystem within the smart home community.
Geographically, 84% of respondents worked in Europe, with 7% in the Middle East, 4% in APAC, and 3% in Africa. The Americas and Australia each represented 1% of the participants.
Changing preferences
One notable consistency across both the 2021 survey and our latest insights report was the unanimous preference for lighting as the most popular smart home application. Temperature control, blinds, and home energy management closely followed, indicating a continued emphasis on enhancing energy efficiency and user comfort. Security and smart entertainment systems were also popular but lagged slightly behind the forerunners in respondents' preferences.
The data reveals a persistent trend of integrating smart systems into daily life, with a focus on applications that enhance comfort, security, and energy efficiency. This continuity in preferences suggests that certain aspects of the smart home landscape have become fundamental to users, standing the test of time across the two survey periods.
An intriguing finding from the surveys is the reported increase in smart home interest. Almost half of the respondents claimed that interest had doubled over the past five years, while an additional 32% stated that it had more than doubled. Only 20% believed that interest had remained the same, and a negligible percentage reported a decrease.
These results signify a growing enthusiasm for smart home solutions, indicating a widespread recognition of their benefits. The surge in interest aligns with the rapid technological advancements witnessed in recent years, contributing to a more accessible and appealing smart home landscape.
Growth drivers
Unsurprisingly, increasing awareness emerged as the primary driver of smart home industry growth, as reported by the majority of respondents. This aligns with the broader trend of technology becoming more ingrained in daily life, with consumers actively seeking solutions that enhance convenience and efficiency.
Additionally, the survey results point to energy management as a significant driver, which is perhaps unsurprising against the backdrop of rising energy prices in the last 18 months. The growing concern for sustainable living and resource conservation is evidently influencing the smart home industry, shaping its trajectory towards solutions that contribute to energy efficiency and management.
KNX: A steady force
The KNX communication protocol maintained its position as the top choice among survey respondents, both in terms of awareness and usage. While awareness levels remained consistent with the 2021 survey, the latest results indicate a notable increase in KNX's practical application. It seems integrators and installers, the backbone of the smart home industry, continue to favour KNX.
The sustained popularity of KNX further solidifies its position as a reliable and preferred communication protocol, demonstrating the industry's commitment to standardised and interoperable solutions.
Despite the economic uncertainties of the last two years, confidence within the smart home industry remains robust. The survey results depict a landscape that is not only resilient but also evolving to meet the changing needs and preferences of consumers. The increased focus on energy management as a driving force reflects a growing awareness of environmental concerns, aligning the smart home industry with broader sustainability goals.