AWE celebrates 85th anniversary with CI Loyalty Scheme

Distributor, AWE Europe will be celebrating 85 years of business this year, as well as 20 years in the custom installation industry.

A big milestone for any company, this anniversary is even more special to AWE because it is a 4th generation family run business. 

To mark the occasion, AWE has a number of activities planned throughout the year, including a new CI Loyalty Scheme focusing on some of its exclusive and key brands.

Stuart Tickle, AWE’s managing director, said: “We are delighted to reward our customers’ fantastic loyalty by giving away a range of rewards worth over £50,000 at SRP value, plus tickets to some very special events!”

Rewards include product giveaways as well as invitations to some of the UK’s most exclusive events throughout the year. The initiative started on 1st March and will run until the end of the year with registered trade customers accumulating points for purchasing qualifying products at a published rate given to all participants. 

There will be three separate qualifying periods, and every 10 points accumulated during a qualifying period earns that company one entry into a prize draw, so the more points earned the greater the chance of winning. 

Each draw will have 10 winners including a star prize, which will be either a Sony or LG 4K OLED TV or Sony 4K projector plus nine runners up prizes, including the new Denon Home HEOS Speakers to URC control solutions and Epson PRO-UHD projectors. 

After each period, points will be reset to ensure all dealers have a fair chance of winning something. 

The first qualifying period will be from now until June, the second period will be between July and September with the final qualifying period being October to December. 

The qualifying products are from within the following brands: Definitive Technology, Denon, Epson, Heos, LG, Marantz, Sanus, Sony, and URC.

AWE will also be announcing bonus periods where points will be awarded against particular brands, plus an additional special prize for a top purchaser from that period. 

Bonus prize winners will each attend a different special event in the UK.

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