Middle Atlantic Celebrates AV Month with Training Lineup

Middle Atlantic Products has announced a full month of online training opportunities in celebration of AV Month 2016.

Covering some of the latest trends, challenges, and standards arising in the industry, each training session will equip attendees with techniques that can be directly applied in the field. Sessions will be offered online, allowing industry professionals everywhere easy access to the courses. All courses are InfoComm-CTS, BICSI, and AIA certified. Attendees who successfully complete all four courses can earn four CTS, BICSI, and/or AIA credits.

The online courses include:

• Unconventional Ways to Conceal Equipment
Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 1 p.m. EST
Learn to specify, integrate, and troubleshoot USB technology, including a deeper understanding of how these systems work and why they might fail.

• HDBaseT Deep Dive Technology Exploration
Tuesday, Oct. 11 at 1 p.m. EST 
Part two of Middle Atlantic's "Digital Video at Length – Successfully Extending Uncompressed Digital Video" course, this presentation will look at HDBaseT 5-Play features and will carefully review HDBaseT Lite, HDBaseT, and Valens Colligo™ HDBaseT optical solutions.

Both of these courses are led by Joe Cornwall, technology evangelist for the company's AV division, including Middle Atlantic Products, C2G, RapidRun, and Wiremold and InfoComm 2014 Educator of the Year.

• Unconventional Ways to Conceal Equipment
Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 1 p.m. EST
Integrated systems have migrated away from large floor standing enclosures where each piece of equipment occupies at least a full rackspace. This presentation will guide participants through various unique solutions for concealing the system equipment beyond the standard shelf or rack mount.

Led by Jay Franetovich, CTS, application specialist at Middle Atlantic Products.

• Steps to Selecting a UPS
Thursday, Oct. 27 at 1 p.m. EST
A UPS can be extremely beneficial in a variety of applications. This course will take deeper look at the benefits, features and application requirements important to selecting the right UPS critical to ensuring the reliability of today's AV systems.

Led by Scott Lowder, senior product manager at Middle Atlantic Products. 

Interested attendees can register for these courses and many other free C2G and Middle Atlantic industry-certified trainings at here.

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