CIE Group celebrates 60th anniversary at TSE 2024

CIE Group attended The Security Event (TSE) 2024 with a display of its latest security products as well as a champagne drinks reception to celebrate 60 years of business.

Previously well-known for its unique and value-added distribution model in the AV industry, CIE Group has recently entered into the security market, adding to its offering and doubling its security product line up in the last year.  

Security professionals attending TSE were able to see recent advances in access control systems, intercom technology, video surveillance solutions, and mobile credentialing from CIE’s partners including 2N, Akuvox, Volo, Stid, Freevolt S-Key, and Safr.

“This was our fourth year exhibiting at TSE and our return to the show really felt significant,” said Chris Edwards, marketing director at CIE Group. “We had an excellent product line up that proved to be of great interest to many of the show delegates, and we also got to celebrate our 60th anniversary in style – what more could you ask for from a show! Following this success, we’re now looking forward to being part of the vanguard of new product innovation in the security sector.”


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