Screen Innovations has announced that is Slate and Pure screen will be available in a newly developed acoustically transparent perforated material.
Screen Innovations has unveiled its latest developments in screen perforation with the introduction of Slate AT and Pure AT.
“The effect of the perforated screen has very little attenuation starting at about 1-2kHz,” commented David Nugent, chief of technology, on producing SI’s Slate AT and Pure AT material. “Typical impact on frequency response is well within the -3db range with a peak attenuation of -6db at 20kHz. This difference is easily corrected by most modern receivers with room correction.”
“It has not been easy. Perforating is difficult in its own right, but working with a 106-inch tall material is nearly impossible. We are perforating over 28000, .55mm holes for every square foot.”
The manufacturer states the final testing of the screens indicates “very few acoustic ramifications” over the full audio frequency spectrum.
“Merging Slate and Pure with our acoustic perforation technology has truly created the best of both worlds, picture and sound. Imagine hiding your favourite LCR speakers behind a massive screen with our popular backlighting, even with the lights on thanks to Slate’s ALR properties,” added Ryan Gustafson, CEO at Screen Innovations.
Slate AT and Pure AT screens from Screen Innovations can be configured on all the company’s screen form factors, including its Zero Edge, Zero-G, Fixed, and Motorised offerings.