Nice develops native voice assistant for smart home

Nice has launched a voice assistant on its Home Management platform.

Mylo, a winner in the Residential Systems category at the CES Picks Awards 2025, is embedded directly on the smart home platform.

The voice assistant understands user location and device preferences, leveraging the enhancements on NiceOS 8.9 to manage the home with natural language control.

Interfaces can be associated with a specific area or media zone, avoiding the need for a location or unique device name when issuing commands.

Homeowners can select male or female voices, while custom commands are capable of multiple actions and triggering any event map function.

This comes with continuous over-the-air updates promising new features, language support and accent comprehension.    

As part of its integration with the Nice Home Management platform, Mylo will also be compatible with Sonos.

The assistant is designed to empower dealers, delivering a sophisticated system that avoids complex programming.

Paul Williams, global managing director of home management business at Nice, said: "Voice control has been in need of a refresh to provide a simplified, more intuitive experience for end-users.

“We’ve listened closely to our dealers to understand the needs of their customers and we are thrilled to deliver a solution that truly transforms the way users interact with and manage their home.”  

With a simple set-up and standard programming, integrators can streamline installations and reduce support calls to improve customer service.    

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