In its latest bi-monthly update, good cause enterprise, Together for Cinema, has confirmed six cinema room installations, with a probable seventh, for 2022.
The six children’s hospices also have six installers committed to taking on the projects throughout the year. Founder, Ian Morrish said: “This is the first time that we go into a year with a defined and near complete installation plan.”
With a proposed seven installations, it will be the most projects taken on by Together for Cinema in a year. Morrish added: “Seven installations equate to a great deal of project management and a great deal of products that we will need donated. Our industry has been hugely supportive in the past, but we have never taken on this many installations in a year. I am of course optimistic that our industry will step up yet again to help make these rooms happen and continue to give back to our community.”
Along with equipment donations, the organisation also relies on sponsorship to secure budgets in order to carry out each project. Last year, the budget was set low as a secure future was uncertain for Together for Cinema. However, the organisation has started 2022 with much more structure and stability, a secure future and a positive outlook. Therefore, the budget for 2022 has been increased.
Last year, Together for Cinema had 34 sponsors. So far, almost all of those 34 have renewed their sponsorship for 2022, making the organisation more financially secure for the year. Morrish said: “However, we still need another 10 sponsors to achieve our budgeted goals for 2022. The sooner we can secure these sponsors, the sooner we can focus on completing the installations and developing our other activities to further the difference that we can all make in our community.”
He continued: “Any extra monies in the pot will go towards the ‘icing on the cake’ of an installation, items such as the star ceiling effect, seating, a karaoke machine, a slushy maker, etc.”
Further outlook
The organisation also has other goals for this year, such as applying for charitable status as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Having now established a positive future for Together for Cinema, this status is hoped to be confirmed within the next few months.
A longer-term goal of the organisation is to complete 50 installs with a normal installation value of a million pound by 2026. Currently, Together for Cinema has completed 29 installations which are worth over £640,000, and this figure is expected to increase to around £780,000 by the end of the year.
As a celebration of reaching its 2026 target, Morrish is planning a celebration called the ‘Million Pound Ball’, inviting those who have been involved with the organisation to attend along with a few surprise celebrity appearances. The event is expected to take place in London in autumn 2025.