The assisted living sector isn’t exactly renowned for its innovation, but a nifty device from US-based manufacturer Vayyar Imaging could just help facilitate more independence for the elderly and vulnerable.
Vayyar newly introduced (and aptly named) Walabot wall sensor can get help if someone in the home falls – and there’s not a wearable in sight.
Whilst developments like the Apple Watch Series 4 show promise for the growth of the wearable industry, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea – especially when it comes to senior citizens and families looking for technology that brings added security into their home.
Ideally placed where someone could potentially fall or injure themselves (such as the bathroom), Vayyar states that the wall-mountable device incorporates low-power radio waves to detect falls, even through thin obstacles in the space.
Cleverly, after detecting an incident, it can call the programmed emergency contact of its own accord. Users also handily have the ability to communicate with this person regardless of there’s been an incident or not.
Only available in the US for now, Walabot Home is priced at $249.